Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Discovery troubleshooting | Error messages

 Discovery troubleshooting | Error messages - Support and Troubleshooting (servicenow.com)


Learn how to resolve common Discovery error messages with the information below. 

Discovery general messages

Message: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

A version of this message occurs if you have used special characters in a password that is saved in an XML file. More information

Message: Identified, ignored extra IP

This message can appear during the identification phase of Discovery if a targeted IP address belongs to a device that is being discovered at the same time.
Example: A Windows server has two NIC cards with two IP addresses. Discovery targets both IP addresses within the same Discovery schedule. This message is generated to note that that second IP address is ignored because we don't want to update the same CI twice within the same Discovery run.
This message is a warning and is expected. No action is needed.

Message: Authentication failures

The discovery process could not discover the CI because the discovery application could not authenticate. To resolve, add the credentials of that machine in to the discovery credentials table.

Message: Identified, not updating CI, now finished

No match on any of the CI Identifiers

Message: The impersonation of user failed

This message originates in Powershell. Check that the domain is specified along with the user name in the credentials.

Message: Connection failed to WMI service. Error: Permission denied

This message originates in WMI. Check that the MIS Server service is running with the correct credentials and has access to the target device.
To check this, run the following command from the command prompt on the MID server host:
wmic /node:target /user:user /password:password path win32_operatingsystem
target = IP address of target device
user = user account used by the mid server service
password = password used by the mid server service

Message: Connection failed to WMI service. Error: The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable

This message originates in WMI. Check that the MID Server service account has access to the targeted machine. Check if a domain admin account is used as the MID server service account? Check if any existing firewalls are open to the connection.
To check this, run the following command from the command prompt on the MIS Server host.
Execute for runner_type=WMI:
wmic /node:"<target>" /user:"<user>" /password:"<password>" path win32_operatingsystem
From within a Powershell console on the mid server host, execute for runner_type=Powershell:
gwmi win32_operatingsystem -computer <ip> -credential '<username>'

Message: Provider is not capable of the attempted operation

WMI repository was corrupted. After following the article below, the problem was corrected.
Ref.: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askperf/archive/2009/04/13/wmi-rebuilding-the-wmi-repository.aspx

Message: The result file can't be fetched because it doesn't exist

Powershell does not work when customer has locked down write rights to admin share. Admin share is always required.
Ref.: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=r_AdditionalPermissions.html&version=latest

Message: Please run sneep as root to ensure correct serial number from fserial data source

The Oracle Sneep command line tool must be installed for the Solaris - Serial Number probe to work correctly. There is a [known limitation] with Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER devices. To work around this limitation, run the Solaris discovery with root credentials.

Discovery sensor messages

Message: The multisensor will not process because its major version = X while probe_name responding script's major version = Y
Message: The multisensor will not process because its responding script's major version = X while its referenced probe probe_name major version = Y
Message: sensor_name sensor's major version = X while its related probe's major version = Y

The above error messages indicate that there is a major version mismatch in the probe and sensor versions and the sensor will stop processing until this condition is resolved. More Information

Message: sensor_name multisensor's minor version = X while probe_name responding script's minor version = Y
Message: sensor_name multisensor's responding script's minor version = X while its referenced probe probe_name minor version = Y
Message: sensor_name sensor's minor version = X while its related probe's minor version = Y

The above error messages indicate that there is a minor version mismatch in the probe and sensor versions. Processing will continue, but you may want to resolve this condition. More Information

Message: Sensor error when processing . . .  : No sensors defined

Every active probe looks for a corresponding sensor to process the data that is collected by the probe. The No sensors defined message indicates that the corresponding sensor for the probe is missing or inactive. More information

Message: Sensor error when processing . . . : typeError: . . .

This type error message occurs to indicate the sensor has one of the core error constructors in JavaScript. More Information

Discovery Oracle database instance messages Unix

Message: No Oracle SID was provided

Denotes that the process classification script failed to pass the SID value, or it passed an empty value to the probe’s script. Process classification parses the SID value from the running process that has a name that starts with ora_pmon_.

Message: No Oracle oratab file found

Denotes that discovery could not find oratab file from one of the below location in the given order.
  • /var/opt/oracle/oratab
  • /etc/oratab
  • /var/opt/unix/oratab
  • /etc/oracle/oratab
  • /etc/opt/oracle/oratab
  • /shared/opt/oracle/oratab

Message: Could not read Oracle (s)pfile: pfile

The command to read the spfile on the target machine failed.

Message: No Oracle (s)pfile found (or insufficient permissions)

Check that you have the correct permissions for Discovery to access the Oracle system parameter file.

Message: Could not determine Oracle instance version

Denotes a failed attempt to extract the Oracle version information using the following methods:
  • From the output of the ORA_HOME/bin/sqlplus /NOLOG command
  • From the output of the ORA_HOME/bin/lsnrctl status command
  • From the path of ORA_HOME


Message: Value for SID is empty. Invocation of Probe 'WMIRunner-Oracle - Instance PFile' is skipped.

To identify the SID value, the probe parses the parameters that are passed to the oracle.exe process. This message can occur if the oracle.exe process is started manually without a SID value as a parameter. This error displays as a warning in the Discovery Log.

Message: Invalid value of oracle exe path: path

Denotes that the process classification script failed to pass the full path of oracle.exe, or it passed an empty value to the probe's PowerShell script.

Message: Invalid value of SID:<<$sid>>

Denotes that the process classification script failed to pass the SID value, or it passed an empty value to the probe's PowerShell script.

Message: Could not able to find the Server Parameter (spfile) file

Specific locations are searched for the spfile. This error occurs if the spfile is at a different location.

Message: Oracle exe path is invalid

Denotes that the process classification script failed to pass the full path of oracle.exe, or it passed an empty value to the probe's PowerShell script.

Message: Could not determine Oracle instance version

To determine the Oracle instance version, the command sqlplus.exe -V is sent to the target machine. This error occurs when the command fails to return a result.

Message: Could not determine oracle instance version from result: result

To determine the Oracle instance version, the command sqlplus.exe -V is sent to the target machine. This error occurs when the command returns a result, but Discovery can not parse the version information from it.

Discovery Mid Server agent log messages Message: WARNING *** WARNING *** A private key has invalid format

The entire contents of the private key needs to be copied in the SSH private key including the---BEGIN and END--- markers.

vCenter Discovery messages

Message: Unable to establish connection to

  • No VMWare type credential is stored in the credential table.
  • The username is a domain account and needs to be prefixed with a domain.

Message: CIM_RegisteredProfile{{RegisteredName='Base Server'}}.CIM_ElementConformsToProfile{{ResultClass:'CIM_ComputerSystem'}}.CIM_ComputerSystemPackage{{ResultClass:'CIM_Chassis',PackageType='3'}}.* - CIM_RegisteredProfile - Authentication failed.

No CIM type credential is stored in the credential table. Provide the root user with this access.

Message:com.vmware.vim25.NoPermission errors

Provide a credential of type=VMware within the Credentials table.
If the user is part of the domain, it needs to be explicitly defined by username=domain\user.
Within ecc_agent_jar "vijava.jar" there needs to be an attached and readable (downloadable) jar file. The MID server needs to be able to download this jar file.
See also: this article to for information about no using the root account credentials to do CIM queries on ESX.

MSSQL Message: Cannot find type [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server]: make sure the assembly containing this type is loaded

Install Microsoft SQL Server management library (SMO). More Information

Message: java.sql.SQLException: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: SQL Server version 8 is not supported by this driver

Microsoft discontinued support for SQL Server 2000 (8.0) in JDBC version 4, in exchange for native support for SQL Server 2012. More information
Use JDBC version 3, which lacks native support for 2012, but still has support for 2000. More Information

WWI: Get IIS information Message: Invalid namespace

  • The namespace root\MicrosoftIISv2 was replaced by root\WebAdministatration starting with IIS 7.0 (Windows Server 2008)
  • To see which namespaces are available on a machine, type the following command from the Powershell command line:
Get-WMIObject -class __Namespace -namespace root | Format-Table name
Workaround: Install IIS 6 WMI Compatibility server roles for root\MicrosoftIISv2 namespace to be present on Windows Server.


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Discovery troubleshooting | Error messages

  Discovery troubleshooting | Error messages - Support and Troubleshooting (servicenow.com) Description Learn how to resolve common Discover...